

Minggu, 14 April 2013


A.           Definition of Educators and Education Personnel Management

          Before entering into a more in-depth discussion, first we must understand the definition of each material. What is the educator, education and management. We must know about management, that would still be something to do with education. Management of content standards, standardized management processes, management outputs (graduates) and others. Management concepts are universal, meaning that many experts give different definitions of context or study something what will be on the pillowcase. By using the framework of science, including the rules and principles. This is the definition of each sub material.

1.             Definition of Management
          Is it management? How did management come from? Management comes from the English language, management developed from the word to manage, which means organize / manage. The word manage itself comes from italia maneggio adopted from the Latin managiare, which comes from the word manus, which means hand. Management concept is not easy to define. Here's the definition of management according to the experts:
1.             Henry Fayol

2.          Prof. Oie Liang Lee

3.          Richard L.Daft (2002:8)

4.           James A.F. Stoner (2006:

5.          Mulayu S.P. Hasibuan (2000:2)

6.          Dr. Sp. Siagian in the book "Philosophy ADMINISTRATION"

7.          Ordway Tead adapted by Drs. He. Rosyidi in the book "ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT"

1.      Mention the five management functions, namely designing, organizing, commanding, coordination., and control. While management functions are the basic elements that will always be there and stick in the management process that will be used as reference by managers in carrying out activities to achieve the goals

2.      "Management is the art and science of coordinating and supervising the human resources with the help of the tools to achieve the goals set."

3.      "Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient through planning organizing, leadership and control of organizational resources."

4.      "Management is a process of planning, organizing, leadership, and control the efforts of the members of the organization and the use of existing resources all of the organization to achieve organizational goals predetermined".

5.      "Management is the science and art of the utilization of human resources and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve a common goal."

6.      Understanding management can be defined as: "The ability or skills to obtain a result in the achievement of objectives through other people"

7.      Management is "the process and lead the activities of business execution and show the direction of the implementation of tasks in an organization in achieving its intended purpose."

If we make a restriction or definition of management it can be expressed as follows:[1]
a.             According G.R. Terry there are four management functions, namely:
a)             Planning (planning);
b)            Organizing (organizing);
c)             Actuating (implementation), and
d)            Controlling (supervision).

b.             Meanwhile, according to Henry Fayol there are five management functions, including:
a)             Planning (planning);
b)            Organizing (organizing);
c)             Commanding (settings);
d)            Coordinating (coordination), and
e)             Controlling (supervision).

c.              Meanwhile, Harold Koontz and Cyril O 'Donnel propose five management functions, including:
a)             Planning (planning);
b)            Organizing (organizing);
c)             Staffing (staffing);
d)            Directing (direction), and
e)             Controlling (supervision).

d.             Furthermore, L. Gullick suggests seven management functions, namely:
a)             Planning (planning);
b)            Organizing (organizing);
c)             Staffing (staffing);
d)            Directing (direction);
e)             Coordinating (coordination);
f)             Reporting (reporting), and
g)            Budgeting (budgeting).

e.              According to Fuad Husnan and Heidrachman Ranupandojo in his book of Personnel Management, said the seven management components, namely:[2]
a)             Planning
b)            Organizing
c)             Providing direction and supervision
d)            Development
e)             Compensation
f)             Integration
g)            Maintenance Personnel

2.             Definition of Educator Personnel
According to Law 20 of 2003 Article 39, paragraph 2, educators are professionals in charge of planning and carrying out the process of learning, assessing learning outcomes, coaching and training, and conduct research and community service, particularly for educators at universities.[3]
Meanwhile, according to Ahmad were raised by Sulistiyorini interpretation in his book, educators in Islam are the people who are responsible for the development of students by pursuing the development of the full potential of students, both potential affective, cognitive, and phsycomotor.[4]
Educators are spiritual father (spiritual father) for students who provide guidance to the science of the soul food of noble character, and straighten it. Therefore, educators have a high position, as depicted in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad. that: "The ink of a scientist (scholars) is more valuable than the blood of the martyr"[5]
3.             Definition Personnel of Education
According to Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System chapter 1 verses 5 and 6 is a member of the academic staff are devoted and raised to support education. Where education meets the requirements set by the laws in force, appointed by the competent authority, entrusted with the task in a salaried position and also according to the rules.
Personnel of Education is (personnel) engaged in the educational institutions or organizations that have educational insight (understanding the philosophy and educational sciences), and the implementation of educational activities (micro or macro) or education.[6]
According Hasbulloh, the meaning of personnel are the ones who carry out any tasks to achieve specific goals. In the context of an educational institution or school is limited to as employees.[7]
4.             Definition of Educators and Education Personnel Management
Management of Teachers and personnel of  education is an activity that involves the setting of norms, standards, procedures, recruitment, coaching, management, welfare and dismissal of school education in order to carry out its duties and functions in achieving school goals.[8]
Management education personnel or personnel management education aims to empower educational staff effectively and efficiently to achieve optimal results, but still in a state of delight. To achieve uniformity of treatment and legal certainty for primary school education in performing its duties and functions, powers and responsibilities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
From the above statement can be drawn a conclusion that management educators and education are activities that should be conducted from educators and education were entered into the educational organization to a halt through the process of human resource planning, recruitment, selection, placement, compensation, awards, education and training / development and discharge.[9]
The foundation
a.              Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System. (Sisdiknas)
b.             Indonesian Government Regulation No.. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards (NES).
c.              Permendiknas Number 13 Year 2007 on Standards for School

B.            Types Personnel of Education
Personnel of Education are all components contained in the agency or educational institution that includes not only teachers but overall just participating in education. Viewed from the his post, education is divided into three, namely:[10]
a.             Personnel Structural
          An educational personnel who occupy positions of executive general (leader) is responsible either directly or indirectly, for the education unit.
b.             Personnel Functional
          An education that occupy functional positions are positions that rely on the expertise of academic educational practice.
c.              Personnel Technical Education
An education that more work is required in the implementation of technical skills or technical administrative operations.
Man Power Status
Work in schools
Work outside of school
Structural Labor

1.      Principals, vice-principal
2.       curriculum affairs
3.      student affairs
4.      facilities and infrastructure affairs
5.      special service affairs
1.   Centre: Minister, Secretary, Director General
2.   Region: Ka. Regional Office
3.   Kormin: Head of
4.   Region: kakandepdiknas
5.   Kab. / Excl: Kasi
Functional Labor
1.      Teacher
2.      Guidance counselor/instructor of curriculum development and technology of education,
3.      developer testing,
4.       Librarian
Overseers, supervisors, trainers, tutors, and facilitators, curriculum development
Technical Assistant
Laboratory, learning resource technicians, trainers (sports); artistry and skill, Administration of officers
Technician learning resources / learning workshop,
Business Management officer
Table 1. The types of education to the Ministry of National Education[11]
Meanwhile, according to Hartati Sukirman, education is divided into three kinds, namely:[12]
1.             Personnel Educator
Educators are personnel in the implementation of educational institution that does one or all aspects of activities (processes) education, micro or macro. The presence of teachers besides teaching in theory also expected to guide the students.
Educators can be classified into three kinds:
a.             Teacher
Teachers are legally professional personnel shall carry out educational activities. Teachers not only connoted as giving the subject matter alone, but intact as an educator, it's just that their education through a particular subject matter.

b.             Counsellor
Counsellor are the ones who shall carry out educational activities are typical, that is focused on people who are troubled by psychological-spiritual or social.
c.              Supervisor of Education
Educational supervisor is in charge of the personnel conducting the education of teachers and counselors in the performance of its duties.

2.             Personnel Administrator
Administrator of education is in charge of implementing the activities of personnel management education. Personnel has particularly extensive education knowledge and skills administratorial management education.
The group administrator include:
a.              Planners professional education
b.             Curriculum developers
c.              Researchers and developers of educational
d.             Designer facilities and educational media

3.             Personnel Technician of Education
It is the people who are tasked with providing educational services through conditional approach (facilities and special services). Labor technician education can include:
a.              librarian education
b.             Officers learning resource center
c.              Laboratory-educators
Education is the result of job analysis required by the school or wider organizational unit. In accordance with Law No.22 of 1999 on regional governance and Regulation 25 of 2000 on Government Authority and Provincial Authority as an autonomous region, the types of education can vary according to the needs of the organization.
C.           Purpose of Teachers and Education Personnel Management
The purpose of education and educational management in contrast to human resources management is more directed to the development of quality education, human resources forms a reliable, productive, creative, and achievement.
In our country there is one under the Educator Labor Directorate Director General for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (PMPTK) who has the authority to regulate, manage educators and educational.
Based (Permendiknas no. 8 of 2005) TASK of DITJEN PMPTK Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel (DG PMPTK) has the task of formulating and implementing the policy of technical standardization in the field of improving the quality of teachers and early childhood education, elementary education, secondary education , and nonformal education.
Common goal management educators and educational:[13]
1.             Allows organizations to obtain and retain a skilled workforce, reliable, and highly motivated
2.             Enhance and improve the capacity owned by employees
3.             Developing high-performance work systems that include recruitment and selection procedures are rigorous, and incentive compensation systems that are tailored to the performance, management development and training activities related to the needs of organizations and individuals
4.             Developing a high commitment management practices that recognize that educators and education is a valuable internal stakeholders as well as help develop a climate of cooperation and faith mutual.
5.             Creating a harmonious working climate
Directorate General of  PMPTK function is as follows:[14]
1.             Preparation of departmental policy in the field of education and educational quality improvement
2.             Implementation of policies in the field of improving the quality of teachers and personnel education
3.             Preparation of standards, norms, guidelines, criteria, and procedures in the field of improving the quality of teachers and personnel education
4.             Providing technical guidance and evaluation in the field of improving the quality of teachers and personnel education.
5.             Implementation of the administrative affairs of the Directorate General

D.           Components of Educators and Education Personnel Management
Personnel management includes five components. Seven components are implemented in sequence, orderly and sustainable so it must go through stages that have been determined. The five components are:
1.             Planning Personnel
Planning is an activity that determines employee personnel requirements, both quantitatively and qualitatively for the present and future.[15]The past has led to the present so that it can be used as a reference to plan for the future based on potential. Throughout the situation faced in the past and present are still the same, the progress of the past which has led to the present condition can be used as a reference of the same to predict the future. However, if the situation is entirely different, it takes foresight to "read" the state in planning. [16]The change is what today are often faced by planners that required precise moves as an effort to anticipate as early as possible.

Things need to be done in planning employees, namely:
a.              Job description (Job description), is intended to determine what positions will be filled.
b.             job analysis (job analysis), is intended to obtain a job description, which is about the job   tasks to be done.
c.              Job specification (Specification Job, intended to give an idea of ​​the quality of education or the minimum prospective employees will receive
d.             requirements of the job (job recruitmen)

2.             Personnel recruitment
Recruitment is an activity to meet the needs of employees in an organization, both quantity and quality. [17]Gorton, as quoted by Ibrahim Bafadal and quoted again by Mujamil Qomar said that: "The purpose of recruitment is to provide candidates who are truly good (surplus of candidates) and the most qualified (most qualified and outstanding individuals) for the position.
According to Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards (SNP), the notion of Teachers and Education Personnel Standards are pre-position education and eligibility criteria physically and mentally as well as education in the office.[18]
Teachers and Education Personnel that have been set by ministerial regulations include standards of competence and qualifications of principals, teachers, administrators, librarians and counselors.

I.                   Principal Competency Standards
          Regulation of the Minister of Education No. 13 of 2007 established the competence and qualifications of principals as follows:
a.             General qualifications principal
a)             Having a degree qualification (S1) or a diploma four (D-IV) or non-educational education at an accredited college;
b)            At the time the school was appointed as the head of a maximum of 56 years;
c)             Have a teaching experience of at least 5 (five) years in accordance with their respective school level, except in kindergarten / Raudhatul RA (TK / RA) has a teaching experience of at least 3 (three) years in TK / RA; and
d)            has a rank as low III / c for civil servants (PNS) and for non-civil servant with the rank equivalent issued by the competent institution or institutions.
b.             Special Qualifications principals
SD / MI Elementary Principal / Islamic elementary schools (SD / MI) are as follows:
a)             Status as teachers SD / MI;
b)            a certificate as a teacher educator SD / MI, and
c)             a certificate chief SD / MI issued by institutions established by the Government.
c.              Competency Principal
SD / MI Competencies that must be owned by the principal, as follows:
                                1)                   Competence Personality
a)             Morals, culture and traditions develop noble character, and a role model for moral values ​​in the community the school / madrasah.
b)             Having personal integrity as a leader.
c)             Having a strong desire for self-development as a school / madrasah.
d)            Being open in carrying out duties and functions.
e)             Self-control in dealing with problems on the job as head of school / madrasah.
f)              Having a talent and interest in the position as an educational leader.

                           2)                        Managerial Competence
a)             Prepare school / madrasah for the various levels of planning.
b)             Develop a school / madrasah organization as needed.
c)             Leading schools / madrasah in order to empower school / madrasah optimally.
d)            Managing change and development of the school / madrasah into an effective learning organization.
e)             Creating a culture and climate of schools / madrasah that is conducive to learning and innovative students.
f)              Manage the teachers and staff in order to empower human resources optimally.
g)             Managing infrastructures schools / madrasah in order to empower optimally.
h)             Manage the relationship between school / madrasah and communities in order to find fresh ideas, learning resources, and financing of school / madrasah.
i)               Managing students in the admission of new students, and placement and capacity development of learners.
j)               Manage the development of curriculum and learning activities in accordance with the direction and goals of national education.
k)             Manage finances school / madrasah in accordance with the principles of accountable, transparent and efficient.
l)               Manage administrative school / madrasah in supporting the achievement of the school / madrasah.
m)           Manage special service unit schools / madrasah in supporting learning activities and the activities of students in the school / madrasah.
n)             Managing information systems school / madrasah in support of programming and decision-making.
o)             Make use of advanced information technologies for improved learning and school management / madrasah.
p)             To monitor, evaluate and report on the implementation of the program of the school / madrasah with the proper procedures, and follow-up plans.

                                3)                   Entrepreneurship Competence
a)             Creating a useful innovation for the development of school / madrasah.
b)             Work hard to achieve the success of the school / madrasah as an effective learner.
c)             Have a strong motivation to succeed in carrying out duties and functions as the leader of the school / madrasah.
d)            Never give up and always look for the best solution in the face of obstacles faced by schools / madrasah.
e)             Have an entrepreneurial spirit in managing production / services schools / madrasah students as a learning resource.
                                4)                   Supervision Competence
a)             Creating a useful innovation for the development of school / madrasah.
b)             Work hard to achieve the success of the school / madrasah as an effective learner.
c)             Have a strong motivation to succeed in carrying out duties and functions as the leader of the school / madrasah.
d)            Never give up and always look for the best solution in the face of obstacles faced by schools / madrasah.
e)             Have an entrepreneurial spirit in managing production / services schools / madrasah students as a learning resource.
                                5)                   Competence Social
a)             Collaborate with others for the benefit of the school / madrasah
b)             Participate in social activities.
c)             Have a social sensitivity towards other people or groups.

II.                   Teacher Competency Standards
Competency standards and teacher qualifications as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 16 of 2007 as follows:
a.             Teacher Qualifications SD / MI
Teacher at SD / MI, or any other form equal, should have a minimum educational qualification diploma four (D-IV) or undergraduate (S1) degree in elementary education / MI (D-IV/S1 PGSD / PGMI) or psychological obtained of an accredited program of study.
b.             Teacher Competency
1)            Competence Pedagogik
2)            Competence Personality
3)            Social Competence
4)            Professional Competence

III.                   Standards Competency of Libraries and Administrative Staff
Competence and qualifications of Administration has been arranged with the Minister of National Education No. 24 of 2008, while the personnel Competency Standards and Qualifications Library with the Minister of National Education No. 25 of 2008.
Administrative school / madrasah consists of administrative personnel chief school / madrasah, managing affairs, and special services officer.
a.             Chief Administrative Staff SD / MI / SDLB
Chief administrative SD / MI / SDLB can be lifted if the school / madrasah has more than 6 (six) study groups. Qualifications chief administrative SD / MI / SDLB are as follows:
a)             Minimum education vocational school graduates or the equivalent, relevant courses with work experience as an administrative school / madrasah minimum of 4 (four) years.
b)            Certified chief administrative school / madrasah of the institutions established by the government.

b.              Implementing Civil Affairs Administration
Minimum education graduates SMA / MA / SMK / MAK or its equivalent, and can be removed if the number of teachers and at least 50 people.
c.               Managing Financial Affairs Administration
Minimum education graduates SMK / MAK, relevant courses, or SMA / MA and have the relevant cert.
d.              Implementing Infrastructure Affairs Administration
Minimum education graduates SMA / MA / SMK / MAK or its equivalent.
e.               Implementing Administrative Affairs Public Relations with Schools
Minimum education graduates SMA / MA / SMK / MAK or its equivalent, and can be removed if the school / madrasah have a minimum of nine (9) study groups.
f.               Implementing Administrative Affairs correspondence and Archiving
Minimum education graduates SMK / MAK, relevant courses.
g.              Implementing Student Affairs Administration
Minimum education graduates SMA / MA / SMK / MAK or its equivalent and can be removed if the school / madrasah have a minimum of nine (9) study groups.
h.              Implementing Administrative Affairs Curriculum
Minimum education graduates SMA / MA / SMK / MAK or the equivalent, and was appointed when the school / madrasah has a minimum of 12 study groups
i.                Implementing Affairs General Administration for SD / MI / SDLB
Minimum education SMK / MAK / SMA / MA or its equivalent.

IV.                   Standards Competencies Personnel Special Services
Personnel Special Services Include laboratory, Guard School, The Gardener, personnel Security, driver and orderly.

3.             Coaching and Developing Personnel
Employees as human beings need guidance and development to improve and enhance himself included in his duties. Coaching is more oriented to the achievement of a minimum standard, which is recommended to be able to do the job or task as possible and avoid violations. Meanwhile, more development-oriented career development of its employees, including the managers to facilitate their efforts in order to achieve the position or higher status. [19]
Development efforts through a few things, including: education and training (InService training), learning task, formation in the sense that more appointments than the original, position displacement, displacement field and displacement areas, other businesses in the form of seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings services in various forms.
In the development of the civil service, there are several kinds of exercises that is a pre-post office (preentry preservice training or training) and training in the office (InService training).
Therefore, the school principal as a manager or head of the institution should be aware that new employees generally have only a theoretical prowess alone from studynya. So, need to be developed in the real world to be able to finish the job. Thus, staff who are new are not necessarily ready to fill an existing vacancy, but there needs to be a mature socialization and adaptation. When education is working and able to fill the existing vacancy, the principal shall keep or maintain educational staff to remain professional and has a high performance.

4.             Assessment of Personnel
Staff's assessment of the performance of an organization in the process of assessing the performance of the employees. The purpose of performance appraisal in general is to provide feedback to employees in an effort to improve the appearance of work and effort to improve the productivity of the organization, and specifically done in conjunction with a wide discretion to the employee, such as for the purpose of promotion, a raise, education, training, and other more.[20]
Assessment of education to know the things concerning personal status, employment, work performance, and the development of school officials to do the following way:
Promotion (displacement position) is a change in the vertical position, so that implies authority responsibility and income. In Indonesia, for civil servants, promotion or appointment is usually appointed as the first candidate for probation staff by one or two years, then he prajabatan training, and after graduation was appointed civil servants full. After hiring, the next activity is the placement or assignment. [21]
Mutation is the removal of an employee from one position to another position. Displacement is more horizontal so it does not have implications for income. [22]Mutations can connote positive but sometimes negative connotations. If the mutation done as penyagaran organization, the meaning of a positive connotation.
However, if the transfer was due to a particular case the connotation impressed as a move "disposal". Connotation is more convincing if the new position is occupied more "dry" than the starting position.
Compensation is the remuneration given to an employee organization, which can be valued in money and have a tendency to be given regularly. Compensation other than in the form of salary, may also be benefits, housing, vehicles and others. [23]

5.             Termination of Personnel
Dismissal of an employees education or personnel functions that cause the release of the organization and personnel of the rights and obligations of the institution as a place to work and as an employee.[24]
E. Mulyasa identify the causes of the dismissal or termination of educational staff or employees who can be generally grouped into three types:[25]
1)             Dismissal of the petition itself, such as:  moving jobs that aim to improve the lot.
2)             Termination by the agency or the government to do the following reasons:
a.             Employee concerned is not competent and did not have the ability to carry out its duties properly;
b.            The streamlining or simplification of the organization;
c.             Rejuvenation, usually employees who has aged 50 years and entitled to pensions must be removed within one year;
d.            Are not physically and mentally healthy so it can not carry out their duties properly;
e.             Criminal offense sentenced to prison or jail;
f.              Violating the oath or affirmation of civil servants.

3)             Termination for other reasons. This matter caused by a concerned (education or employees) died, disappeared, leave out live outside agencies or state dependent and not reported to the authorities and have reached the retirement age.

[1]   diakses tgl 19-03-2013/
[2] Sri minarti, 2011,  Manajemen Sekolah: Mengelola Lembaga Pendidikan Secara Mandiri, Arruz media: Yogyakarta, hal: 125.
[4] Sulistiyorini, 2006, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Elkaf: Tulungagung, hal  51.
[5] ibid
[6] ibid
[7] Hasbulloh, 2006, Otonomi Pendidikan, PT Raja Grafindo Persada: Jakarta, hal: 111

[8] ibid
[9] Tim Dosen Administrasi Pendidikan UPI, 2009, manajemen pendidikan. Alfabeta: Bandung, hal. 231
[14] TIM dosen  Administrasi Pendidikan UPI, manajemen pendidikan, alfabeta: Bandung, hal 232

[15] Mulyasa, E, 2002, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, PT  Remaja Rosdakarya    Offset: Bandung, hal 42.

[16] Qomar, Mujamil, 2007, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, PT Gelora Aksara     Pratama: Malang, hal 132.
[17]  Mulyasa, E, 2002, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah, PT  Remaja Rosdakarya    Offset: Bandung, hal 43.
[18] Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 Tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan, (2005): Jakarta.

[19] Mujamil Qomar, 2007, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, PT Gelora Aksara     Pratama: Malang, hal 133-134

[20] Sri minarti, 2011,  Manajemen Sekolah: Mengelola Lembaga Pendidikan Secara Mandiri, Arruz media: Yogyakarta, hal 141-142
[21] Mujamil Qomar, 2007, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, PT Gelora Aksara     Pratama: Malang, hal 137

[22] Mujamil Qomar, 2007, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, PT Gelora Aksara     Pratama: Malang, hal 137

[23] Ibid, hal 45
[24] Ibid, hal 149-150
[25] Sri Minarti, 2011, Manajemen Pendidikan: Mengelola Lembaga Pendidikan secara Mandiri, AR-RUZZ: Yogyakarta, hal 150-151